1. Full Control Over Your Story
One of the biggest advantages to self-publishing is complete control. When you pursue the traditional publishing route, you are signing over the rights to your book. This means that you will have far less control over the storyline. If you like to have creative control over your book, self-publishing is the right choice. You will get to choose your own editor and decide what edits to actually make. When a publisher’s editor makes changes, you are often stuck with them. When you self-publish you will also get to control your book cover design and pricing. As an author, you should know how important these two elements are to your chances of success.2. Work On Your Own Timeline

3. Greater Profit Margin
There are several reasons why self-publishing can lead to more profit for an author. For example, self-publishers are business owners. When you form your business you will be able to write off several expenses, such as: a portion of your home cost, writing and marketing expenses and costs for transportation and travel. These tax havens can result in some serious savings. The second reason self-publishing can lead to more profit is because you will be able to control your expenses. Self-publishing does not have to be expensive. If you are smart about what you spend money on, chances are you can keep your expenses much lower than you may think. Lower expenses mean you will break even quickly.4. Marketing Is Your Responsibility Regardless
Authors often make the mistake of thinking that securing a traditional publisher means they will have an army of marketers promoting their book. While a publishing house may help with PR, you will ultimately be responsible for marketing your book. Since you will have to market your book either way, this should not be a deterrent from going the self-publishing route.5. Bookstore Sales Aren’t As Important
In the past, one of the main advantages to traditional publishing was the ability to get your book stocked in bookstores. Today, less than 1% of all books are found in bookstores. As a self-published author, you have many different ways to sell your book to your customers. You can use distributors like Amazon, offer digital copies and even sell your book directly from your website with services like EditionGuard. The multitude of affordable distribution options now available to self-published authors is one of the reasons self-publishing has gained so much popularity in the last five to ten years.6. It Can Lead To Traditional Publishing Opportunities
If you have your mind set on pursuing the traditional publishing route, that is ok. You may still want to consider self-publishing for the time being as it can lead to traditional publishing opportunities. When you first query an agent and begin trying to pursue the traditional publishing route, it can be very difficult. You will need to have a proven marketing plan and be able to show a publisher why they should take a chance on you. Much like a job interview, experience really helps. By self-publishing a book or two prior to pursuing traditional publishing, you will have a resume to help improve your chances of landing a publishing deal.7. The Time Is Right