EditionGuard: A One-Stop Resource for Indie Authors - EditionGuard

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EditionGuard: A One-Stop Resource for Indie Authors

Mitch Woodhead

June 6, 2014

EditionGuard is in the business of helping indie authors be more successful, both by providing the technology that allows you to sell your eBooks yourself and by providing the resources you need for strategy, marketing, and selling your eBook successfully. Here is a round up of some of our best advice.

Writing an eBook

5 Ways to Create Compelling Content for Your eBook Website  What biographical info should I include in my ebook? Why children are the future of ebooks Why writing your second #eBook is harder than writing your first - and how tips to help you get there! Indie Writer Question: Do I have time to publish an ebook before the holidays? Tips for collaborating on an #ebook with one or more coauthors Do you need #proofreading and #editing for #ebook publishing? Does my #ebook need a copyright notice? Don't be afraid! We can help you overcome the fear of writing your #ebook The power of #digitalpublishing - see how far you can take creativity 4 ways you can transform content into an #ebook and publish quickly  Turn your #WordPress blog into an #ebook with a push of a button

Selling an eBook

Can I improve my #eBooksales by giving away #eBooks? Improve your #ebook sales during the #holidays! Can video marketing increase your ebook sales? Make more on your #ebooks by selling them from your own blog or website Improving #ebook visibility. An EditionGuard special series Create a sales funnel to improve the sales of your #ebook. Part 3 of our 4-part series on improving ebook visibility. A four-part series on #ebook #visibility! Can you make millions selling #ebooks? It's possible for some indie authors

Technical Tips

What #font to use when formatting your #ebook. It does matter.    Why #ebook authors should use #DRM

EditionGuard Reviews and Services

EditionGuard Presents: The Healing Patch, A Child’s Guide to Happiness #eBook review  What are the advantages of #Adobe #DRM? How can you sell #eBooks without it? EditionGuard empowers #indieauthors EditionGuard Presents: The Thieves of Eden

Engaging with Readers and Fans

Engage with your readers as an #ebook author, part I Engage with your readers as an #ebook author, part II

eBook Strategy

Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 1: When should I hire a ghostwriter? Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 4: How to protect your work. Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 3: What to expect. Should I hire a #ghostwriter part 2: How to choose the right ghostwriter If your New Year's resolution is to sell more ebooks, start here--> #NaNoWriMo for the ebook author What the numbers are saying - and what it means for #indieauthors Why it's time to be done with #Kindle only publishing

Social Media and eBook Marketing

#Videomarketing tips for your ebook How #socialmedia improves #eBook sales Marketing your #eBook on #Pinterest Marketing your #eBook on #LinkedIN Marketing your #eBook on #Facebook Marketing your #eBook on #Google+ Marketing your #eBook on #Twitter

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