EditionGuard Resources for the Indie Author - EditionGuard

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EditionGuard Resources for the Indie Author

Mitch Woodhead

October 1, 2014

Are you a new indie author who doesn't know where to start, or have you written your first eBook but don't know what you should do next? No reason to worry! EditionGuard is a one-stop resource for indie authors, covering everything from how to write and format your eBook to how to market your eBook and make more sales. We even provide you with the software you need to safely sell your eBooks on your own website without having to pay royalties to someone else.

Writing Your First eBook: A Guide for the Indie Author

If you have not yet written or finished your first eBook, start here. We have great ideas to help fuel your passion for writing, as well as guides to help you through the writing process. Follow EditionGuard on Twitter and like our Facebook page for more valuable information to help you start writing well. Write your first eBook! Get started here. Write your first eBook - ideas to tell your story Write your first eBook - use a template Write your first eBook - create an anthology Stop making excuses and write your #eBook!

After You've Written Your eBook

Once you've written an eBook, you may need help knowing what to do next. We always recommend that you hire professionals to help you proofread the eBook and design the cover. The more professional your eBook is, the easier it will be to make sales. Before you publish your #eBook    You've written an #eBook - now what?

Marketing Your eBook as an Indie Author

We have and will continue to expand our selection of resources to help you market your eBook. These should help get you started: Sell more eBooks on your website, part 1 Turn your readers into eBook marketers and sell more You've written an #eBook - now what do you do with your readers? Free #marketing for your #eBook

WordPress Tools to Save the Day

If you are building your author website in WordPress, there are a number of WordPress plugins that can make life easier for you. These are a few of our favorites: WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors WordPress Plugins for #indieauthors part 2 EditionGuard is here to support the indie author. How can we help you?

Securely Sell eBooks Online

Sign up for a free 14-day trial to join EditionGuard and start selling your eBooks online.

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