Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? Part 1: When to Hire a Ghostwriter - EditionGuard

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Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? Part 1: When to Hire a Ghostwriter

Mitch Woodhead

January 22, 2014

Not everyone is a great writer, but that doesn’t mean a great idea can’t be turned into an eBook. If you have great ideas but don’t have the time or the talent to transform your idea into a publishable eBook, a ghostwriter might be the solution you need. A ghostwriter will write your eBook without taking any authorship credit. And in most cases, a ghostwriter will write the eBook for a flat fee, without taking a cut of your royalties. In fact, we suspect that there are nearly as many eBooks being published that are ghostwritten as there are eBooks actually written by the credited author. In this four-part series, we will explore ghostwriting in more depth. Today we’ll discuss who may benefit from ghostwriting services, as well as how to choose a ghostwriter, what to expect from a ghostwriter and how to protect your work. Hiring a ghostwriter can be the ideal solution for a business author who wants to publish an eBook to establish credibility in his or her field but otherwise doesn’t see him or herself as an author. It can also be an ideal solution for those who have ideas for eBooks but not the talent for writing. Hiring a ghostwriter may be the perfect choice for someone who simply does not have the time to do the writing (for example, an author on a contract to deliver by a specific date). Would you ever consider using a ghostwriter? What questions do you have about the service?

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