Leveraging Creativity to Create Fans of Your Fiction eBooks - EditionGuard

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Leveraging Creativity to Create Fans of Your Fiction eBooks

Mitch Woodhead

July 10, 2014

How can an indie author leverage creativity to sell more eBooks? If you’re writing fiction eBooks, you already have a creative streak. You have created a world and populated it with characters interesting enough for people to like and even become infatuated with.

Creating Lifelong Fiction eBook Fans

You can now further develop those characters and turn them into fiction eBook seller helpers. How? Give them more life! Try one of these ideas to help make more people interested enough in your characters to want to read your eBook:
  • On your website, create character pages where you have images, biographical data, and fun ways for your audience to engage with each character.
  • Create social-media character profiles for your fans to engage with.
  • Organize reader contests, to determine which actors and actresses would play your characters in a movie.
  • Let the characters from your fiction eBook answer fan mail.
One of the reasons readers hate finishing a book is because they have to disconnect from the characters they have come to know and love. If you've created characters that are hard to walk away from, let them live on for your readers in ways that will grow and deepen your audience. Do you have other creative ways to leverage your creativity? Let us know!

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