Are you a blogger or journalist interviewing an author? A publisher promoting a new author? An author developing a website from which you can market yourself and your books? To truly engage with your audience, you need to get them interested in the writer of the book. These 50 questions for authors are designed to do just that:
Author Interview Questions
- Why should we read your book?
- What inspired the title of your book?
- Who designed your cover art?
- Which character in your book was the hardest to write?
- Who was the easiest character to write?
- Which character is most like you?
- What was the most surprising thing you learned while writing this book?
- What author would you like to be compared to?
- What do you do when you are not writing?
- Are you already working on another book?
- Who inspired your main character?
- How can readers connect with you?
- Do you have any advice to share with aspiring authors?
- What inspired the topic of this book?
- Why did you choose this genre?
- What was the last book you read?
- What was the first thing you ever wrote?
- What kind of approach do you take to writing (write all at once, edit as you go, etc)?
- If readers only take one message away from this book, what is it?
- Are there any elements of this book taken from your real life?
- How long did it take you to write the first draft?
- Who helped and supported you?
- Where did you do your research?
- Did writing a book change you?
- Which part of the book was most difficult to write?
- Were there characters in your book that you required guidance on to write well?
- Did you represent marginalized or underrepresented groups in your book?
- What is the one thing about writing a book that you wish everyone knew?
- Did you get writer's block at all?
- What were your favorite snacks to eat while writing?
- Where was your favorite place to write?
- Do you write on a computer or start by hand?
- What jobs have you held that helped you develop stronger characters?
- Which authors most heavily influenced your work?
- How much different is the finished book from the first draft?
- How does being a full-time/part-time writer affect your writing?
- Who would play the main character in your book if it were to be made into a movie?
- When you read, do you read digital books or print books?
- Do you write full time or have another job?
- What were the most difficult scenes to write in your book?
- Do you collaborate with other authors?
- Who is your favorite author?
- What is your favorite children's book?
- What does a day in your life look like?
- What interested in you in the particular about your chosen genre?
- Do you have daily writing goals?
- If you were writing an autobiography, what would be the title?
- Do you eat breakfast? If so, what?
- What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview?
- If you couldn't write for a living, what would you do?
We hope these questions for authors inspire you. Whether you're an author, publisher, or interviewer, we hope these questions help you dig a little deeper.